Observerships/Elective Incomings
The Medical University of Innsbruck offers training opportunities for international graduates and students.
Please find the online applications here:
Online application form: ASEA-Uninet
Online application form: EURASIA-Pacific
Online application form: Japan
Online application form: Georgia
Online application form: Moscow
Online application form: Nepal
Housing information
Hospital location
For further information, please contact
Ernst Mach Grant (ASEA-UNINET)
The Ernst Mach Grant offers scholarships for full PhD studies and postdoc research stays at an ASEA-UNINET member university in Austria to students and researchers from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. This grant is either a full PhD grant (36 months) or a postdoc grant (3 to 9 months).
- Citizenship of Indonesia, Thailand, or Vietnam
- Maximum age of 35 (undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates) or 45 (postdocs)
- Very good knowledge of English and/or German
The deadline for the call 2024/25 is 1st March 2024. Online application:
Further information can be found on the website or in this document: Ernst Mach Grant 2024/25.
Visiting Doctors
Any doctor who is currently employed in an EU member state is eligible to apply for a position as a visiting doctor. Visiting doctors will stay at the LKI (Landeskrankenhaus Innsbruck) or at the Medical University of Innsbruck for learning and training purposes. During their stay in Innsbruck, visiting doctors will continue to be paid by their original employer and to be covered by the social security. They will therefore not receive any financial payments from either the LKI or the Medical University of Innsbruck, nor will they be registered for social security in Innsbruck. The engagement of a visiting doctor does not imply any employer-employee relationship.
- Which documents will you need:
The A1 form: This form is required as evidence that current employment relationship exists and that the visiting doctor has current social security cover. - Lead Time: Applications must be lodged at least two months before the planned commencement date.
For further information and application please contact: Ms Monika Schlager, International Relations Office,
Scholarship-holding Doctors and Students
The scholarship must be sufficient to cover all costs associated with the scholarship-holder's stay in Austria, including the cost of travel, accommodation and sustenance.
The scholar must be comprehensively insured against sickness and accident. Appropriate confirmation of this insurance cover, including its validity for Austria and its duration for the entire length of stay in Austria – must be submitted, either in German or in English.
- Lead Time:
Applications must be lodged at least two months before the planned commencement date.
For further information and application please contact: Ms Monika Schlager, International Relations Office,
Observerships are offered for qualified foreign medical students and physicians from countries outside the EU who wish to visit the university to observe the activities of a particular department on a temporary basis, not implying any employer-employee relationship.
The availability of an observership is at the discretion of the relevant clinical department based on that department's availability of resources.
- Lead Time:
Applications must be lodged at least two months before the planned commencement date.
We recommend that you submit your request as early as possible so that you have enough time to make further arrangements.
For further information and application please contact: Ms Monika Schlager, International Relations Office,