



Knowledge Transfer Centres

Knowledge Transfer Centre West


The Knowledge Transfer Centre West was set up as a regional Knowledge Transfer Centre as part of the Impulsprogramms für den österreichischen Wissens- und Technologietransfer . The Knowledge Transfer Centre West is funded by the aws, with funds from the Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung (Österreich-Fonds). The third funding period (phase 3) runs from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024.

The goal is to intensify and professionalise the transfer of knowledge and technology through joint actions and measures by the partners. In doing so, commercialisation potentials are to be opened uo and the cooperation with industry but also with society as a whole is deepened and expanded.

The program includes the following cooperation projects:

  • KV 1: Vernetzung, Weiterbildung und Internationalisierung
  • KV 2: MINT
  • KV 3: From STEAM to STEAM

Details about the projects can be found here.

The MUI is part of the cooperation project 1: Vernetzung, Weiterbildung und Internationalisierung.



WTZ West Project Team at MUI

Dr. Peter Josten,, +43 (0)512/9003-70070
Dr. Tatjana Heckel,, +43 (0)512/9003-71764

Excerpts of Project Results (Phases 1 and 2)





The aim is to create a Translational Research Center (TRC) in the field of life sciences and to commercialize groundbreaking basic research. Wings4innovation (w4i) GmbH will act as an intermediary for professional, translational research in the biomedical field, identify suitable Austrian project ideas and enable their development and commercialization.


Entrepreneurship & Technology: From Idea to Market
Information and Registration

Picture: University of Salzburg / Luigi Caputo