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Open Access at the Medical University of Innsbruck

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Open Access Policy of the Medical University of Innsbruck



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Open Access Policy of the Medical University of Innsbruck

The Medical University of Innsbruck (MUI) supports all activities to make scientific information freely accessible to society. The MUI therefore signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities on 6th October 2016.


The MUI encourages its researchers to publish their scientific work in open access journals wherever suitable ones are available, have a peer review process and are specifically listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

The MUI recommends that each publication be archived in a suitable international repository, e.g., Zenodo, OpenDoar etc.

The MUI supports the publication of outstanding publications in open access journals through a publications fund.

Through the cooperation with the University and State Library of Tyrol (ULBT), university members of MUI have open access to publish in renowned journals with various publishers, free of charge or with reduced article processing charges:


Freedom of publication and research are not restricted by these guidelines.

Queries concerning legal aspects: Legal & Compliance Department


Cooperation with ULBT (University and State Library of Tyrol)
Open Access and FWF
Open Access and EU Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe
Open Access Publications Fund of the Medical University of Innsbruck

Cooperation with ULBT (University and State Library of Tyrol)

Open Access Publishing

Together with the Cooperation E-Media of Austria, ULBT seeks to conclude agreements with publishers, in order to facilitate publishing for free or with reduced APCs in numerous open access journals.

Publishing agreements

Information about the publishing agreements that are accessible to members of MUI can be found at:

Please note the respective conditions under which these publishing agreements can be used for MUI members and get in touch with the contacts at ULBT for further clarification concerning the open access publishing agreements:

University and State Library of Tyrol | E-Media Department
Lisa Hofer, Tel: +43 (0)512 507-31038
Erika Pörnbacher, Tel: +43 (0)512 507-2405


Open Access Green

ULBT has its own repository, through which currently only LFUI scientists can publish their publications with open access (Green Way). It is also suitable for secondary publications. Negotiations are in progress for MUI.

Further information::

Open Access and FWF

FWF Open Access Block Grant:

Journal Checker Tool / FWF compliance:

Coalition S

Open Access and EU Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform that allows free publication of research results from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funding. The platform facilitates compliance with the open access conditions of this funding and offers researchers a publishing location in which they can share their results and findings quickly and where open, constructive research discussion is facilitated.

Open Research Europe

Open Research Europe Article Guidelines

Horizon 2020 Open Access and Data Management

Open Access Publication Fund at the Medical University of Innsbruck

Through a publication fund, the Medical University of Innsbruck provides its researchers with financial support for Open Access publishing.

Applications for publication cost grants (exclusively for article processing charges, APCs) can be made up to a maximum of 1,000 euros per year.

Information about the MUI Open Access Publication Fund

Eva Mayrgündter
Research Service and Innovation department
Tel: +43 (0)512 9003-71763


Useful Links

Open Access Explained


Directory of Open Access Journals

Creative Commons Licenses

ÖFG printing subsidies

BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Machine)


Registry of Research Data Repositories

Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

Research funders’ open access policies

COPE Committee on Publication Ethics

OASPA Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association



Journal Citation Report

OSA (Open Science Austria)

E-media cooperation, Austria