


Master`s Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Drug Development and Regulatory Affairs

The Master’s Program  Pharmaceutical Sciences – Drug Development and Regulatory Affairs (, in the following referred to as PHARM_SCI, is a joint study program of the Medical University of Innsbruck and the University of Innsbruck held in English. The PHARM_SCI admission procedure is organized and carried out by the Medical University of Innsbruck for all applicants, admission takes place at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck ( All students become members of both universities upon admission. After positive assessment of all examinations prescribed in the curriculum and after delivery of the positively assessed Master's Thesis, graduates of the Master's Program Pharmaceutical Sciences are awarded the academic degree "Master of Science", abbreviated "MSc" by the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck. A joint certificate is additionally awarded to graduates at a joint ceremony of the two universities.

The regulations on the admission procedure can be found here.

Create your online account for the Pharmaceutical Sciences admission procedure here.

Dates and deadlines
Registration for the admission procedure
Payment of the co-payment
Document upload
Admission test
Selection interview
Determination of results
Repeated participation in the admission procedure

Dates and deadlines

Internet registration 01 March – 08 May 2024
Procedure of co-payment 01 March – 08 May 2024
Document upload 01 March – 10 May 2024
Announcement of the test option  Week 20 
Request for different examination method 27 May 2024 – 7 June 2024
Admission test 05 July 2024
Location of the admission test take place exclusively face-to-face in Innsbruck
Selection interview 11 July & 12 July 2024
Location of the selection interviews take place exclusively face-to-face in Innsbruck
Announcement of the results Week 29
Admission After determination of the results at the University of Innsbruck


Registration for the admission procedure

Study applicants are obliged to register via the Internet platform (online-Account)


When registering on the Internet, personal data must be provided. Applicants receive a reference number, which they will need on an ongoing basis in the further course of the procedure. The time and order of Internet registrations within the period are irrelevant for the further steps. Incomplete, untruthful or late registrations, or registrations not complying with formal requirements are invalid and will not be considered.  

After successful Internet registration, applicants will receive a confirmation of the registration by e-mail. Information about all further steps will be sent both, to your e-mail as well as to your personal PHARM_SCI-Account. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the e-mail address entered within the scope of the Internet registration process is correct and that the reference number and the personally selected password are kept on file. 


Payment of the co-payment

After successful Internet registration, the stipulated co-payment must be made via the Internet platformPHARM_SCI-Account according to the decree. The Internet registration is considered withdrawn if the fee has not been paid in full within the period stipulated in the decree. The Internet registration becomes invalid and participation in the test is excluded.

Any fees charged by the bank for the transfer must be taken into account when making the payment. Payment must be made online using the PHARM_SCI-Account.


iDocument upload


For valid Internet registration within the prescribed period (see dates and deadlines) the following documents (1 to 4) must be uploaded in PDF to your personal PHARM_SCI-Account:

  1. curriculum vitae in English,
  2. synopsis or abstract of the Bachelor’s/Diploma/Master’s Thesis of the highest-ranking relevant degree in English (or of a course applying pharmacological/ pharmaceutical or related concepts with an equivalent workload),
  3. motivational letter in English and
  4. previous study achievements.

The upload is only valid if the formal criteria are met.

Formal criteria for the document upload

  • 1 PDF, max. 10 MB (contents: curriculum vitae in English, synopsis or abstract of the Bachelor’s/Diploma/Master’s Thesis in English of the highest-ranking relevant study program, motivational letter in English and previous study achievements).
  • electronic uploads exclusively to your personal PHARM_SCI-Account and
  • within the period specified.

There will be no orders for improvement.


Admission procedure

There are two admission procedure options:

  • Option 1: If there are 35 or more applications, a written entrance test (on the computer) in Innsbruck must be taken first. The questions are exclusively in English. The 50 best candidates of the admission test will be invited to a selection interview, which will take place in Innsbruck.
  • Option 2: If there are less than 35 applications, all applicants will be invited to the selection interviews in Innsbruck. In this case, the written admission test will be omitted.

All applicants who have registered for the admission procedure for the Master's Program in Pharmaceutical Science (PHARM_SCI) in a fixed manner (timely and complete payment of the fee and timely and correct upload of the documents) can participate in the admission procedure.

The admission test (option 1) is an in-class computer exam or alternatively held in writing on paper. Knowledge in the fields of

  • genetics,
  • physiology/patho-physiology,
  • biology/molecular biology,
  • chemistry/biochemistry,
  • pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology,
  • pharmacology,
  • and statistics

is tested. Applicants who are ranked 1 to 50 after the knowledge test will be invited to a selection interview. The interviews take place in the week following the admission test.
The dates are announced to the study applicants via their PHARM_SCI-Account.

More information on the test contents and on free test preparation material can be found online.


Selection interview

The selection interviews (ranks 1 – 50) take place exclusively face-to-face before a selection committee in Innsbruck in the week following the admission test. Slots are allocated and cannot be freely selected. If applicants do not show up for the selection interview, they will no longer be considered in the admission procedure.


Determination of results


The results of the entrance test and the selection interview decide on the allocation of a study place. A ranking list for allocation of a study place is published according to the admission regulations. Only applicants may be admitted who have received a place according to the ranking list and meet all further legal requirements.




Applicants who have received a study place according to the final ranking list, have to take up their studies within the period specified in the notice. Failure to commence studies on time will result in forfeiture of the study place. Details will be announced in the "Invitation to Admission". The PHARM_SCI admission procedure is organized and conducted by the Medical University of Innsbruck for all students. First admission is exclusively carried out at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck (


Repeated participation in the admission procedure

There is no limit to the number of times an applicant can participate in the admission process.