


Caring for relatives

Reconciling work and family life also involves caring for relatives. Employees are often unexpectedly confronted with this enormous challenge and additional burden, which can make working or studying more difficult. The Medical University of Innsbruck would like to provide affected employees and students with an overview of contact points for caring relatives and help them to deal with this difficult situation.


Frequently asked questions - FAQs

Work Life Balance

Carer's leave of absence is not a holiday entitlement, but a period of absence from work for important personal reasons with continued payment of salary. The prerequisite for taking this leave of absence is the need to care for a close relative who is ill, regardless of whether they live in the same household or not.

All important information can be found here:
Arbeiterkammer: Tipps zur Pflegefreistellung
PDF Pflegefreistellung

All employees can apply for short-term care leave of absence for a period of one week. Under certain conditions, a second week can be requested for children under the age of 12. Please contact our HR departmentif you have any further questions.
PDF Application for care leave of absence and information sheet und Merkblatt

For a limited period of time, employees have the option of applying in writing to their employer for carers‘ leave (with full loss of pay) and part-time carers’ leave (with pro rata loss of pay). During part-time carer leave, the weekly working hours may not be less than ten hours.

You can find all the important information here:
Arbeiterkammer: Pflegekarenz und Pflegeteilzeit
Österreichische Gesundheitskasse
PDF Pflegekarenz und Pflegeteilzeit

As part of family hospice leave and part-time family hospice leave, employees have the opportunity to accompany dying relatives or seriously ill children for a certain period of time.
Duration: 3 months - an extension to 6 months is possible.
Duration for seriously ill children: 5 months - an extension to 9 months is possible.

All important information can be found here::
Arbeiterkammer: Familienhospizkarenz
Österreichische Gesundheitskasse
PDF Pflegende Angehörige
PDF Familienhospizkarenz und Familienhospizteilzeit

People in need of care have a legal entitlement to care allowance following a medical or nursing assessment. The care allowance is only a flat-rate contribution to the costs of necessary care. The amount of the care allowance depends on the degree of need for care.

You can find all the important information here:
PDF Ratgeber Pflegegeld

Under certain conditions, family carers are entitled to a care leave allowance. This is income-dependent and is paid in the amount of the unemployment benefit (55% of the daily net income, calculated from the average gross salary).

You can find all the important information here:
PDF Pflegekarenzgeld – Überblick zur Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Familie
PDF Das Pflegekarenzgeld
PDF Checkliste für die Beantragung eines Pflegekarenzgeldes
Zu den Formularen

Under certain conditions, students at the Medical University of Innsbruck have the option of taking a leave of absence (Beurlaubung) as well as having their tuition fees waived..

For more information, please contact the Admissions Office of the Medical University of Innsbruck.