


Information and contact points for working parents

With this page we would like to provide organisational support for employees and offer them assistance on the subject of families and work. Here you will find the most important information, contact points, contacts and forms as well as useful links and guidelines.


Frequently asked questions - FAQs

Häufig gestellte Fragen – FAQs

As soon as the pregnancy is known, the employer should be informed, as the maternity protection provisions (including protection against dismissal and redundancy) apply to the pregnant woman from this point onwards.

You can find all the important information on reporting a pregnancy at:

From the notification of an existing pregnancy until four months after the birth or four weeks after the end of parental leave, there is protection against dismissal and redundancy.

All important information on protection against dismissal and redundancy can be found at

An absolute ban on employment begins eight weeks before the birth and lasts until eight weeks after the birth. If the child is born before the expected date, maternity protection is extended by this period after the birth. In the case of premature or multiple births or caesarean section deliveries, maternity protection is extended to twelve weeks after the birth. The employer must be notified by the end of the maternity protection period at the latest whether maternity leave is being claimed.

All important information on maternity protection can be found at:

Maternity leave begins after maternity protection and ends at the latest on the child's 2nd birthday.

You can find all the important information about maternity leave at:

Parental leave can be shared with the other parent, whereby one part of the leave must be at least six months. Please note that you must inform your employer in writing about your parental leave plans.

Fathers on parental leave who are employed at the MUI and have taken at least six months of continuous parental leave also have the opportunity to take part in the Medical University's “Returning to Work Campaign” (Aktion Wiedereinstieg).

You can find all important information on this under:

You can choose between the childcare allowance account or the income-related childcare allowance.

You can find all the important information on this under:

At the end of the parental leave period, the female employee has the right to return to her job or to a job that is at least equivalent to the one she had before her parental leave. Exception for contract staff: These female employees are entitled to the same job as before their maternity leave, provided it still exists.

Attention! The protection against dismissal always ends four weeks after the end of parental leave!

You can find all important information on this under:

There is a legal entitlement to parental part-time work if there has been an uninterrupted employment relationship of at least three years.

The legal entitlement applies until the child reaches the age of seven. After the end of parental part-time work, there is a right to return to the original working hours.

All important information on parental part-time work can be found at:

To plan your return to work, discuss this with your line manager and submit any agreements to the Human Resources Department.

Furthermore, the Medical University of Innsbruck supports its female employees in this process on both an organisational and financial level. For counselling appointments and information on the topic of re-entry and the “Returning to Work Campaign”, please contact the Work-Family Compatibility Department of the Coordination Centre for Gender Equality, Affirmative action for Women and Diversity at the Medical University of Innsbruck directly.

All important information can be found at:

You can find an overview of all important information in the following brochures:

Important steps before and after the birth of a child

Wichtige Schritte vor und nach der Geburt eines Kindes

You can find the application form for the notification of pregnancy under:

PDF - Antragsformular für die Meldung einer Schwangerschaft

If there is a need for early parental leave, you will find the form “Application for early parental leave” (Ansuchen um Frühkarenz) under:

Abteilung Personal: Frühkarenz

The application for parental leave in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act/Paternity Leave Act can be found at:

Abteilung Personal: Ansuchen um Karenzurlaub

The new father is, in any case, entitled to three days of leave from work with continued payment of salary; all information and the appropriate form can be found at:

Abteilung Personal: Sonderurlaub
Abteilung Personal: Richtlinien-Sonderurlaub

The registration of the birth of a child must also be made at the relevant registry office, including the necessary documents. You can find more detailed information on this under: Familie und Partnerschaft

You can register your place of residence at the same time as you register the birth at the registry office. If this is not done at the same time, you must register with the registration office at your place of residence within three days of returning from the birth centre. You can find information on this at: Familie und Partnerschaft

You can find other relevant official procedures after the birth of a child at : Familie und Partnerschaft

The completed form “Notification of the birth of a child” (Meldung der Geburt eines Kindes) must be submitted to the Human Resources Department.

PDF - Formular “Meldung der Geburt eines Kindes“

The application for “One-off financial Aid” (Einmalige Geldaushilfe) on the occasion of the birth of a child must be submitted to the Human Resources Department.
Form at:

Abteilung Personal: Einmalige Geldaushilfe 

Works Council for general staff:

The Works Council will congratulate you on the birth of a child with a shopping voucher worth € 60.00 (please bring a copy of the birth certificate with you). Further information can be found at:

Works Council for General University Staff

Works Council for Academic Staff:

The Works Council congratulates you with a “child allowance” (Kindergeld) of € 200.00 (once for one of the two parents). Further information can be found at:

Betriebsrat für das Wissenschaftliche Personal

TheWork-Family Compatibility Department of the Coordination Centre for Gender Equality, Affirmative Action for Women and Diversity would like to congratulate you on the birth of a child. The package for female employees of the Medical University of Innsbruck contains various gifts for the whole family, including information material on childcare, which will be presented at the birth of the child.

Referat für Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit: MUI-Familienstartpaket

The social security registration is usually submitted by the registry office. Information on this can be found on the BVA homepage:

BVA: Meldung bei der Sozialversicherung

Information regarding family allowance, family bonus and, if applicable, single-earner deduction/single-parent deduction can be obtained from your local tax office, the Human Resources Department or the Finance and Accounting Department. You can find information on this at:

Abteilung Personal
Abteilung Finanzen und Rechnungswesen Finanzamt

The application for marginal employment during parental leave in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz; MSchG)/Paternity Leave Act (Väterkarenzgesetz; VKG)* can be found at:

Abteilung Personal: Antrag auf geringfügige Beschäftigung

The guidelines and the application form for the “Return to Work Campaign” (Aktion Wiedereinstieg) of the Medical University of Innsbruck can be found at:

Work-Family Compatibility Department: Return to Work Campaign

For information, counselling, placement and funding, please contact the Work-Family Compatibility Department, the Works Council or the Human Resources Department of the Medical University of Innsbruck directly. You can find contacts under:

Referat für Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit
Abteilung Personal
Betriebsrat für das Wissenschaftliche Personal
Betriebsrat für das Allgemeine Universitätspersonal
InfoEck der Generationen
Stadt Innsbruck: Schwangerschaft und Geburt Familie und Partnerschaft

Here you will find an overview of the most important information and contact points:

Important information and contacts regarding questions about hazards in the workplace

Important information on the Return to Work Campaign and everything to do with the compatibility of family and career.

Important information about our MUI kindergarten and the enrolment procedure.

Important area-specific information::

Here you will find the most important information and contact points for various area-specific questions.

The most important contacts at a glance

Die wichtigsten Kontakte im Überblick

Julia Hewitt B.A.
Tel.: +43 512 9003 71857 

Carmen Scirè-Riedl BEd
Tel.: +43 512 9003 71854             

Informationen zu Beratungsanfragen finden Sie im Referat für Kinderbetreuung & Vereinbarkeit

Female personnel officers can be found at:

Chairman University Professor Mag Dr Wolfgang Freysinger
Tel. +43 512 504 25858

Chairman Mathias Schaller (contact)
Tel.: +43 512 9003 70038

Works Council support for pregnant female colleagues (contact)

Natalie Hauser
Tel.: +43 512 9003 71017

  • Betriebsärztliche Betreuung

Dr. Olaf Riccabona
Frauen-Kopfklinik Gebäude (Haus 3) 5.Obergeschoss Nord-Ost Seite
Tel.: +43 664 5210561 oder DW: 27527

Sozialpolitische Abteilung
AK Tirol, Maximilianstrasse 7, 6010 Innsbruck,
Tel.: 0800 22 55 22 1616

  • Arbeitsinspektorat Tirol:

Arbeitsinspektionsärztlicher Dienst
Tel.: +43 512 249 04

Nützliche Links

Nützliche Links zur Schwangerschaft und Geburt


Nützliche Links zur Elternkarenz


Links und Informationen zum Wiedereinstieg und der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf


Nützliche Informationen und Links zur Kinderbetreuung


Nützliche Links zur Erziehung und Beratung


Informationen zur (Fremd-)Sprache


Nützliche Informationen und Links zur kindgerechten Ernährung


Der Link zu allen wichtigen Formularen der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck:

Bei Fragen rund um das Thema Kind, Familie und Beruf stehen wir Ihnen natürlich jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Sie können sich gern jederzeit an Ihre Betriebsräte, die Personalabteilung oder an das Referat für Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit wenden.