Return to Work Campaign
With the “Return to Work Campaign” (Aktion WiedereinstiegPLUS) after parental leave, the Medical University of Innsbruck would like to take a measure to make it easier for employees to reconcile work and family life. In line with a modern equal opportunities policy, organisational and financial support for MUI employees returning to work after parental leave is provided by the Work-Family Compatibility Department.
Detailed information on guidelines, duration, cost contribution, etc. can be found in the guide Return to Work Campaign (Aktion WiedereinstiegPLUS).
The notification to the Childcare and Reconciliation Unit must be made at least 6 months before the planned return date so that an optimally customised crèche place or, respectively, a place with a childminder can be found for the needs of each child.
There is no legal entitlement to the benefits under the “Return to Work Campaign after Parental Leave” (Aktion Wiedereinstieg nach Elternkarenz).
In addition to parental leave in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz; MSchG), it is possible to continue working at the Medical University of Innsbruck by means of “marginal employment during parental leave”.
This allows employees to remain in contact with their place of work during their maternity leave and to continue working at the institute/clinic/department to a limited extent (approx. 4 hours per week), e.g. completing scientific work, using the institution's facilities, attending events.
In these cases, the marginal employment is authorised in addition to hiring the replacement employee. In this way, the integration of employees into the work process is to be maintained; together with the childcare project, this is designed to help employees return to work.
Minor employment during parental leave in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz; MSchG) is the responsibility of the Human Resources department Abteilung Personal (link:
Detailed information on the guidelines, duration, cost contribution etc. can be found in the guide “Return to Work Campaign”.
Guidelines Return to Work Campaign (PDF)
Antragsformular: Aktion Wiedereinstieg (PDF)
Please send the completed and signed application form with the following enclosures (see guidelines “Return to Work Campaign”) to to the Work-Family Compatibility Department.