


Prize for gender medicine research at the
Medical University of Innsbruck

The Medical University of Innsbruck supports gender-specific questions in medical research and offers the prize for gender medicine research.

Outstanding theses and scientific publications from the last two calendar years can be submitted.  Scientists employed by the Medical University of Innsbruck are eligible to apply. The prize money amounts to 1,500.00 euros. The prize can also be shared.

In the preparation of the dissertation, sex and gender-specific differences must have been considered and been handled in accordance with the criteria of the guidelines for scientific works. Publications submitted must have been published in ranked journals and undergone peer review. Only one scientific paper can be submitted.

Next call for tenders: 6th of September 2023 - 31th of December 2023 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)

Tender specification

Applications may be submitted online only via GAR:

Documents required:

  • Dissertation or publication
  • Letter of application with a brief description of the work as well as the significance for gender medicine
  • Application form (generated automatically in online application)
  • Curriculum vitae and list of publications
  • Proof of grade for the dissertation

Please address any questions to:

Eva Mayrgündter, research service and innovation department

Phone: +43 (0)512 9003-71763. E-mail:

Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Tools